Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today is my first blog. I am learning a lot. My days are filled with mostly love, laughter, work, and headaches of trying to get everything done. We have recently bought a home and some land (pecan orchard). So we decided to build a porch on the front of the house. That has been an experience, but we are all most finished. The good thing is that we have made it and no real problems. This is the first big project that my husband and I have taken on and we did it with no fights ( if we had not that would have been our 1st fight)-- Thank God he has helped us again--. We did this last Friday and Saturday morning I went out and looked at the porch and told him that we must have done okay because it is still standing. Doodle Bug reply's "well why shouldn't it be, if it was done right".
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