Friday, June 26, 2009

The Storm

This was sent to me via email and thought it was worth sharing! Hope everyone has a good weekend.

One day a young lady was driving along with her father. They came upon a storm. The young lady asked her father what should she do, he said "keep driving". Cars began to pull over to the side, the storm was getting worse. What should I do the young lady asked, "keep driving" her father replied. On up a few feet she noticed eighteen wheelers was pulling over also. She told her dad, “I must pull over I can barely see ahead. It is terrible out here everyone is pulling over. Her father told her not to give up just keep driving. Now the storm was terrible but she never stopped driving and soon she could see a little clearer. After a couple of miles she was on dry land and the sun was out. Her father said, “Now pull over and get out.” She said "but why now?" He said "Get out and look back at all the people that gave up and are still in the storm. You never gave up and now your storm is over..” I thought this was a testimony for anyone who is going through a difficult time. Just because everyone else, even the ones that appear to be the largest and strongest gives up. You don't have to, because if you keep going, on up ahead your storm will soon be over and the sun will shine upon your face again. Never give up, because GOD will never give up on you. He has the last say so.

God is bigger than any storm that we face and He will see us through the storms of our life - all we have to do is trust Him!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Well we have been on vacation this week. We have went south to the beach and it has been fun but busy. Life with an eight year old at the beach that has never been before is fun. She has said lets do this lets do that and not really wanting to slow down and do anything. We have had fun and family time and that is what we came for. So far we have went to the zoo, beach, pool, beach, pool, golfing, pool beach. Lots of fun.

This hotel is neat they have a lot for the kids to do. They also have a mascot named Splash. She will come and tuck the kids into bed. Just to see the smile across Doodle Bugs face when a dolphin showed up at her door to tuck her in is love that warms parents hearts.

Well we must go and enjoy the beach and pool a little more before we have to come home.

See everyone and will catch up shortly.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Careful what we say

There was a young wife, mom of 20 month old, and a step mom to a twelve year old in my office yesterday, while working on some things for her we were having some casually conversation and she was talking about their experience with a new church that they had visited last Sunday and she said a lady came up to her after the service and said " you know we have another service for you and the children". This young mom immediately made up her mind well we will find a another church for next week. She said I am sure that she did not want it to come across or sound the way that it did. She then went on to sayto herself that we will just go somewhere else.

The point is we need to be careful how and what we say. Because that one simple statement made that mom feel unwelcome and she said that she would not go back. Everyone needs a place to worship no matter how young or old. This precious little girl can not go to church with out her Mom and her mom with out her.

This family also needs your prayers she is going through some hard times and things are starting slowly but surely to make a change. The thing is she has and keeps on pushing even when she is push down or backwards each time. She just needs our prayers that she will continue to have the strength to continue this and that she will continue to see what God is doing for her and her family.
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