Thursday, April 23, 2009

Special Prayer

I have a friend and her family that need a special prayer, she has teenage children and they are trying to run over her because they have always done this. Now that they are teenagers and one of them has a child of her own it is worse. The mom feels as if she is being punished. She is not were she needs to be she has walked away from God to a certain point. Need some prayer for her and her family and me because she has asked to talk to me and I told her that I would be glad to but I needed to pray about what she had already told me and the questions that she had asked me. I will be glad to take any advice or any scriptures that would help me with this, and ask if you read this to say a special prayer for them. Thank you and may God continue to bless each and everyone of you and your families.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


How much does your child have your heart?

I know that mine has my heart wrapped up in here little hands. When they smile and say "I love you", the are not feeling well and the come get in your lap, the fall when riding their bike, the say "Lets go play"( you go and then you need a rest, because you are just not as young as you use to be), you share that special moment when it may the first time they have done something, they come home with a A in school, etc. Each time they do or say something they have your heart that much more. This is true with your own and with your extended families kids as you are a part of their life also.

What I find in this is such a blessing and a miracle from God. We need to be happy with what God has given us and not worry about what he has not. As we have learned in our M& M Class at church you can be a mom in many different aspects of life and in a child's life. As I struggle and deal with not having a child of my own, I really stop and realize how lucky I am to have my doodle bug in my life and to have my friends and family children's in my life. I say all this to say, Thanks God for such wonderful blessings.

Monday, April 13, 2009

How peaceful and blessed our lives really are!

As I was sitting on the steps of our country church yesterday for our sunrise service, watching the birds fly and sing, the preacher preaching, planes flying over, and the wonderful big bright orange sun rise, with all my family and friends close by.

I realized a couple of things:

1: We can worship freely-
2: How beautiful the sun was coming up time after time
3: How lucky and blessed I am to have a wonderful husband, family, and friends to be able to share life with

and 4: Was that watching the planes fly over the world does not stop even on Easter.

Hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter and stopped just for a little while to enjoy the real meaning of Easter.

Monday, April 6, 2009

"Eating -Jesus"

Well we had the Church Easter Egg hunt for the kids this past Saturday. All went well and we all had a good time. The kids rushed off to find the eggs that the men folk were so gracious to hide. Some of our children are experts at this and some it was there first time. After they found the eggs and went back to get the few they had left. My little doodle bug and her friend were sitting on the ground with their basket full of eggs and they wanted to know if they could eat one of there real eggs, and of course they could what would be more fun than that. So my little doodle bug turns around to were all the grown folks were standing and said "I am going to eat Jesus-- we all laughed but when she finished her statement between the laughing of the adults -- she said "I am going to eat Jesus so he will be in my heart."

I guess we need to be careful of what we see and say, because I see now that even an egg that has been died colors for Easter that has the word Jesus on it can be a witnessing tool. Just goes to show that our children are listening and learning, and still have that wonderful imagination of different ways to get Jesus in their lives.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

Having a wonderful day. I enjoyed some time off work and them when I came back yesterday realized how much I really do, busy all day long. The blessings of having a job that you love to come to everyday is great. Despite having to work by myself each day I really realize how wonderfully lucky that I am.

I am a very blessed person with work, family, friends and most of all God.

As I am at my desk working watching the rain still fall, the cars pass, and the birds flutter in the flower bed is all small blessing from God and another sign of just how blessed we are.

Just simple rambles of life.
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