Wednesday, August 19, 2009

God gave me a wonderful gift...

4 years ago at 2:00 pm I began a new part of my life. God blessed me with something and someone that I never believed would happen.

It all begin on December 18, 2004- The phone call was made and the first time to date was set. Later that afternoon of course. He says that he called to make sure that I had given him a real number. We worked together and he was my friend at work but that was it and we had talked for awhile at work on several occasions and one day we left at the same time and he asked me for my number after we had talked for almost an hour that day. So the next day I was working my second job and he called. I got butterflies inside just thinking about him and talking to him. Later that afternoon he came over and it all began from there.

We soon set out for what we both new would be the beginning of a long relationship.

March of 2005- He got down on his knee and took my hand with his hand shaking. He asked me if would marry him, and of course my reactions was an immediate yes with tears flowing down my face.

So we set off that night to tell the parents and they were all glad except my parents took a little convincing because they thought it was too soon and that they would not have time because my brother was getting married in April 2005. They soon came around and we began to finish up the details for one wedding and start planning for ours. I remember my dad calling and asking had we set a date yet because he needed to know if my wedding was going to get the money or was the fertilizer for the pastures going to get it. Which brings us to

August 20 2005- Our wedding day was so hot, but wonderful. Our wedding was in our home church. We attend a country church in a small town which was always a dream of my to one day marry in a small country church. I got dressed an friends and family were coming in and out to see me and talk with me. Doodle Bug(my step daughter) came running in to tell me that she was not happy because her aunts were messing with her daddy's truck. I told her it would be okay and she said fine, but she Daddy is going to be mad. Then that was followed by my brother to tell me that my cake was finally there but she was having to re ice it because she had put in the trunk of her car and it melted(do I need to remind you that I got married in AUGUST. She fixed the cake but my dad was upset because that was suppose to be a special day and my day (always looking out for his baby girl) but it turned out okay I guess. Well the time had come, all the guest were in their seats, the parents had been seated, the candles had been taken care of, the flower girl had walked the isle and charmed every ones heart in her bare feet and pretty little dress. Then it was my turn and my dad walked me down the isle but not before asking me if I was sure for the hundredth time. This was one thing in my life that I had never been more sure about. So the doors were opened and there was my future handsome husband waiting. Our ceremony began, we did the unity candle and then we had a song played that meant a lot to both of us and where we had been in our lives and where we were going. The song Bless the broken road by Rascal Flats was played and he sang the entire song to me, I tried to sing also but all I could do is cry, happy tears of course, and then the vows were done and it was over I was a married women and my dreams of a wonderful Godly man had come true.

That is a over view of our dating, engagement and our wedding.

I am so pleased that God found it in his heart to bless me with a wonderful, handsome, Godly man. I spend my time with my husband cherishing every minute and thanking God each day for my blessing.

I love you baby and hope you have a wonderful day and that God blesses us with many more years together. You are a wonderful part of my life and could not make it day to day without you and God. I LOVE YOU!!


  1. Congratulations! May you be blessed with many more years of happiness. :)

  2. Congrats on 4 years. I remember that day!!! Poor Papa Rooster was burning up in his long sleeve shirt. People were everywhere. I remember the look on your face after J revealed the cake "disaster". I've never seen a man with so much family, and never realized it would take so much to get them involved with

    I hope you two have a wonderful anniversary and blessings of many more to come!!!

  3. Thanks to both of you and I love you both very much.

  4. awwwww!! this is precious. i am so late with catching up on blogs but happy late anniversary and know you guys have so many more to come!


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