Monday, July 27, 2009

A Special Prayer Request

We had a friend, his father in-law, my brother in- law and a neighbor that had all stopped to take a break and decided that they would go swimming in the pond. This pond has a rope swing and they were all having a good time when the friend took his second turn and let go to early causing him to land wrong. When he did it cause him to land on his arm and head. When we all got there they told us that they had pulled him from the pond after they had found him. He keep telling us that his arm was broke and then while the wait on the ambulance his said my neck hurts. Long story short they got him to the hospital and did say that nothing was broken he was bruised and had swelling in his neck. They sent him to a bigger hospital were there would be a neurosurgeon on call because of the swelling in his neck.

They were all talking earlier with my husband and our preacher about God and how instantly something could happen. The thing is that our friend knows about God and has turned away.

I ask that you could all say a special prayer for our friend and his family that he will be okay. I also ask that you say a prayer for all that were with him and the rest of our friends that are not were they need to be because this has affected them all. Our prayer for them is that they get right with the Lord and be saved by His grace before it is to late.

This did get them all thinking, because when we got back from the hospital my husband was talking with our brother in- law, and he has always said "just give me two days before something happens to me and I will get right." I think that he has realized know that he may not have those two days. Lets just keep praying because God has a reason for all this we just have to realize what it is.

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