Monday, April 6, 2009

"Eating -Jesus"

Well we had the Church Easter Egg hunt for the kids this past Saturday. All went well and we all had a good time. The kids rushed off to find the eggs that the men folk were so gracious to hide. Some of our children are experts at this and some it was there first time. After they found the eggs and went back to get the few they had left. My little doodle bug and her friend were sitting on the ground with their basket full of eggs and they wanted to know if they could eat one of there real eggs, and of course they could what would be more fun than that. So my little doodle bug turns around to were all the grown folks were standing and said "I am going to eat Jesus-- we all laughed but when she finished her statement between the laughing of the adults -- she said "I am going to eat Jesus so he will be in my heart."

I guess we need to be careful of what we see and say, because I see now that even an egg that has been died colors for Easter that has the word Jesus on it can be a witnessing tool. Just goes to show that our children are listening and learning, and still have that wonderful imagination of different ways to get Jesus in their lives.

1 comment:

  1. that is very cool. young children always have the most interesting things to say and sometimes just make you really step back, take a look at things and just think

    thanks for following my blog. im enjoying yours! :)

    love you!


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