Monday, March 9, 2009

Do you ever have one of those days that you just would like to stay with your head under the covers all day long with no one to bother you?

Well today was one of those days for me for no particular reason. But with God’s grace and hand I got up because I knew that he had given me a great opportunity called family and that they needed me to take care of them. You know sometimes we think of the daily chores of fixing breakfast, lunch, washing clothes, making the bed, cooking and general picking up as a chore but I have come to learn through my studies with God, a women’s class, and friends in general that the are not have to they are blessings that we get to do them and that we have someone to do it for. I have started trying to look at by daily duties not as chores but as because I Love my family. It really makes things easier when you are having one of those days.

Just remember that God has a plan for us and everything that we do in our lives. So we need to always try to do everything to our best and do it for God.

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